This event will be from the 6th till the 9th of March 2025!!!
The location will be Flanders Expo in Gent, Belgium.
Event Times:
Thursday: 12:00-21:30
Friday: 12:00-21:30
Saturday: 10:00-18:00
Sunday: 10:00-18:00
Torii Circuit will be present on Saturday and Sunday!!!
It's going to be EPIC.
The Saturday is Full but the Sunday has still spots available.
So if you want to come sent us a message and we will contact the organizer about the spots.
The photo's and video's of Torii Circuit during this event will be post soon after this event.
Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of March a group of Torii drivers went to this event!!!
Here are some of the pics of the weekend! (Vids will follow later)
Many thanks to Jurgen Torfs for the invite!!